Finally, after 16 years of schooling. After all the bruises, cryings, the heartbreaks, the test, failures, the laughters, the hated teachers, the sexiest teachers, the fantasy literature and the classmates --- I did it! i graduated from college regularly with honors.
yes, now what? i did pass all the test from my RS teachers, from all those philosophical papers, the headaches of calculus and the never ending assignments and now i reached to the point where all of those stuffs are just a steps where i call the real world. Real world is tough and i think those steps are kinda waayyy to far just to make us prepared for this day -------- Getting a job!
Sadly, at worlds end when do i get a decent job? where do i get a job that makes me productive in the coming years. Are all my dreams just be a crashing mosaic? ...... *sigh