Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vim with PowerShell installation

Tired of the old command line? Or you like to use vim in a linux/unix cmd mode?  Powershell is installed by default in windows 7. It has better screen size compared to cmd.

You can now use vim on powershell. I am new to powershell and after googling for minutes, I found out that vim can work on powershell.

First you need to run powershell in Admin.

Just type this to create a new powershell profile:

new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
This would allow the profile to be executed smoothly.

To open the profile in Notepad, type:
notepad $profile
Then Insert these text:

$VIMPATH    = "C:\Program Files\Vim\vim73\vim.exe"

Set-Alias vi   $VIMPATH
Set-Alias vim  $VIMPATH

# for editing your PowerShell profile
Function Edit-Profile
    vim $profile

# for editing your Vim settings
Function Edit-Vimrc
    vim $home\_vimrc
Some Bonus: You can create a shortcut in your desktop to run the vim powershell.

Just create a shortcut link of powershell and edit the target to:
%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe vim

You'll load vim in no time. Next time I'll try to check if msys works on this so we can use grep on powershell vim :)
Screen shot


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