Friday, September 01, 2006

Chrono Crusade

A must to watch anime film. I thought i wouldn't like it but i find it very striking. The first few episodes were so much fun and amazing. I just find the last part very striking. There was this guy, father remington who eventually was an angel but in the end, he became a "sinner" or known as a fallen angel. Why did an angel did that? i don't know. But it was his penance he says. Then the other character who is the head of the Magdalan order gave up his faith. And everyone had like a turmoil in their hearts after the chaos done by the evil antagonist.

The last part when chrono and rosette was about to die made me feel so sad. This was a tragic film. The moment of their death was so perfect. I really like to cry after seeing their time running out.

The end was not the end. Aion or the evil antagonist was alive and assasinated pope john paul II. and the last message of the film was so striking that eventually made me read about St. Fatima.

Her prophecy was much like portrayed in the film. I now even know about her prophecy.
1) end of WWI
2) end of soviet communism
3) assasination of pope john paul II on october 13 1981. which was ironically the feast of St. Fatima.

I thought the ending was like a happy ending but it turned out to be not. The sudden twist of faith by the cool characters in the film makes the viewers also thinks twice about God's plan. Aion keeps telling them that God is a hypocrite and only watches from above. And in the end, the angel who torned up his wings also didn't want to ask about the Lord, he also doubts about the will of God in relation to situations of war.

Putting myself in the situation of father remington, i should probably doubt myself. But the very fact an angel which is all good to be made fallen. How can an angel fall in the first place? The only difference it would make if i was father remington was that I know that God exist and I met God. But how can he fall after meeting God? So many questions that made me think after watching the film.

Anyway, if you find yourself doing nothing in the internet, perhaps try searching the prohecy of St. Fatima. That would be worthwhile. Probably it would change your life.


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